Friday, July 9, 2010

Festiva takes Southcape, who's next?

In spite of the legal effort at Southcape, to right the wrongs being perpetrated on it's unit owners, the suspected takeover has happened. This legal effort has hardly gotten off the ground in spite of it being active for a considerable time. Attempts to hold management accountable have been successfully blocked or delayed.

Just as many suspected, Festiva now manages and controls the resort.

You will remember that Southcape and Sandcastle were involved in ownership transfers/purchases at the same time, and apparently linked by a single purchase loan, in September '08.

So, how long now before the same news is announced for Sandcastle?

Sandcastle unit owners need to continue to exercise their rights to assemble and talk to each other, anywhere ; to write their grievances and complaints to all possible public officials; and to mount a legal offensive.

Any unit owner who is working with an attorney or who knows of one who can help, can leave a private comment here for me. I will not post any comments publicly unless the writer tells me to.

As time goes by, the situation will deteriorate. However, there is a basic principal in the law: there is no statute of limitations where fraud is involved.

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